Monday, July 2, 2018

What A Difference A Tie Makes

So I have been told that my stories are a little long.  So I  am now introducing the Uber short story. I am attempting to build a story with a lot less words. The comment section is the best way to tell me how I'm doing. I can't improve without your input. Without further ado here's "what a difference a tie makes"

Rashad woke up in agony again. He wished he could just afford to collect disability. It was only 9 months ago he was “Hard Shard” the “King of the Ring ” the “Overlord of the Octagon”. The car crash had pretty much ended his MMA career, and without the paying fights he was going broke. His Italian and black girlfriend was proving that she was still a sister.
She insisted that he go to work ASAP.  “You're not taking care of me like you promised!” Nona was going to be the death of him. He could not say no to her.
He unwrapped himself from his silk sheets and tossed the mink blanket back onto the bed. The pain medication that barely made his days manageable, caused him to sleep hard and he couldn't recall kicking the blanket off.
The shower was hot enough to boil grits and he stood beneath it massaging his left leg. His femur had broken into three pieces, as his 72 impala plowed through the concrete barrier, and plummeted to the street below.
The initial pain of shattering his pelvis and leg was actually less than the pain that struck him each morning as soon as his eyes opened.
Rashad, appeared to have aged 10 years in the  273 days since being cut from the wreckage.
Just as he had chanted victory in his mind before every match, Rashad chanted. “I have this job, it’s already mine. I already have this job. It's already mine.”
He didn't want to have to accept a $12 an hour job but things were tighter than ever before. His Movado needed a band, the leather was beginning to crack. Soon it would split and the prized timepiece would join his Tag Haur and Invicta in a drawer in his high rise apartment.
As he thought about the apartment he realized that his savings account was being slowly emptied by the monthly withdrawal from his complex. He loved it there and he'd be Damn if he lost it! “Nobody's taking my shit!” Hard Shard,  looked at his reflection his cufflinks glistened as he tied a decent Windsor knot, for a novice.
Rashad, looked great in his suit. The Goodwill in Buckhead had paid off. He was easily the best dressed candidate.
“Rashad Canton? Rashad Canton?”
The receptionist was a middle-aged woman whose clothing exposed things that should remain hidden.
He checked his teeth one last time, in the office's mirrored wall, as he feigned a smile at the woman who introduced herself as Irene.  “Rashad Canton ma'am.” He gave Her his best southern Gentlemen handshake.
Rashad was happy they'd offered him the job and were starting him at $13.50. While not the amount that he had wanted, it was a start.
At least he wouldn't have to continue to dig into his savings account as much.
In order to celebrate the new job Rashad stopped at the convenience store, he figured that he would grab some condoms because Nona would be happy. He was going to enjoy her joy.
“I should take my ass to Wal-Mart, I would get  more for less.”
Hard Shard, was still hurting, despite how happy he was. He strained out of his car's low seat. Before he was able to walk in, vagrants accosted him.
“Excuse me big brother can I talk to you? “
Rashad’s “No!” was firm.
The pain in his hips, and shooting up his leg were extreme. Rashad, didn't want to converse. He was insulted that this apparently healthy dude, was asking for something.
If he could bounce back from his traumatic injuries and get a job, why couldn't this guy.
The door swung open hard and Rashad was forced to step back. The quick action made the pain worse. The man coming out of the door, stopped and said, “Excuse me sir, can you spare $.50?” That was what Rashad hated about “hood stores” always somebody asking for something.
The first vagabond decided to forewarn his fellow panhandler. “His bitch ass anit gonna give up shit!”
Rashad, had been coming to this store, for two years and had seen that particular beggar on many occasions. Rashad had come into this store back when he was running several miles a day.
Why today did this asshole choose to disrespect him? The spin was the least graceful that he had done since he learned the move, but it was still effective.  Shard's fist split open the man's fleshy nose, the action had been instinctive.He simply reacted.
It took four hours to bond out of the Fulton county jail. He had been harassed by some of the guys in the holding cell. It had to be the  necktie, nobody tried him at any other time.


  1. RE your comment about being told your stories are too long. A story should be exactly as long or as short as it needs to be to present the tale as you intend to present it in its totality. If it drags or there are speedbumps then it needs to be rewritten to smooth out the path but to set a specific length before hand is ridiculous. It might work as an exercise but don't make the audience a part of your experiment. Just write until it all comes out then you're done. Just one guy's opinion. Take it or leave it. Just don't edit it for time. Peace.

    1. I didn't edit for time. I simply attempted to tell the story with less verbage



It's hot in here.  Stifling. Suffocating. Dark.  Almost hope they come beat me again, just so that I can get out of the trunk.  They do....