Friday, May 3, 2019

Conversations In A Waiting Room For The Newly Deceased

 I looked over into the car next to me and saw the guy flailing his arms. I figured he was on a hands free device and having a spirited conversation.
I reached down turned up my radio and tried to mind my own business.
There was more movement from his car.  It appeared as if something was stinging or biting the guy.  I could see the sweat on his brow, the look of agony and terror on his face.
I have to assume his foot slipped off the brake, or that in the throes of pain he accidentally hit the accelerator.
The tractor trailer hit its brakes and blew its horn simultaneously. No matter how skilled a driver they couldn’t avoid hitting the guy’s Impala.
The parts sprayed everywhere. The sound of tires screeching, and metal grinding were deafening.
I honestly didn’t feel a thing, I saw the piece of metal flying towards my windshield, even saw it break through.
Somehow it decapitated me and chopped off my right arm.
That’s how I wound up here.

One minute I was yelling at this guy for cutting me off. 
I had gotten so angry.  I followed him to Dollar General and was telling him I had kids in the car.
I should have known something bad was going to happen when he started walking towards me.
Didn’t see the handgun until it was too late and I was feeling the projectiles slam into my chest again and again.
Are you certain my kids survived?

I didn’t know she was married. 
I mean I did notice that the seat was up in the bathroom. 
She was so fine that I guess I just didn’t care enough. 
Once she took off her clothes my thought process stopped working very well.
Felt like I had gotten kicked in the back of my head really hard.
I heard a couple more booms and now I'm here.

I was with that guy over there. When my husband came in. He was supposed to still  be in Japan. I never even knew he owned a gun. 

I just was crossing the street.
I don’t remember anything else.

The cup was going to fly off the roof. I had to catch it or my boss would have known I was up there. There would be investigations and my partner would have found out I was up there with someone else and I just wanted to avoid all of that. I didn’t see the little pipe that tripped me but for 24 of those stories I was aware. Don’t remember hitting the ground though.

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It's hot in here.  Stifling. Suffocating. Dark.  Almost hope they come beat me again, just so that I can get out of the trunk.  They do....